Wednesday, 25 March 2020

A message from Mme Perreault

I hope that you are all healthy and taking care of
yourselves during these exceptional times. 

I will be posting any work or messages through Hapara
and/or any blog or website used by your child’s Homeroom
Teacher  to keep all the information you receive from us on
the same portal.  You will be updated on any changes
to this, should they occur. Thank you for your
patience and understanding. 

Also, there are some French videos on the Learn at Home
website created by the government of Ontario.  You may find
these interesting and educative, so please take a look. Here

Bon courage!

Mme Isabel

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

School Closure-Work Update

Before the break, I sent students home with their math textbook.  Students can review calculating perimeter by finding shapes/objects in the text, measuring them and calculating their perimeter.  They can also order the perimeters and compare one perimeter to another. (We use the P=s+s+s+s formula).  They can then move on to Area which is Chapter 8 in the textbook.

Scholastic has a great site for daily reading which includes text and activities:

***If you have traveled over the March Break, even before or after, please notify us by emailing the school:

I will send out an update from Mme. Perreault tomorrow.

Friday, 13 March 2020

Extended School Closure

Since schools will be closed until Monday, April 6, you may be looking for some school work for your child.  Reading is an excellent way to keep up with literacy skills especially when combined with talking to your child about what they are reading.  This is a great way for us to get to our class goal of reading 100 books by the end of May.  Let's see how close we can come to it by April 6th!  You can also visit the Nelson Math website and review concepts we have already covered.  Our next strand will be Geometry starting with 2-D.  Hope everyone stays healthy.  See you in April.

Wednesday, 4 March 2020

Classroom Care

Our class is participating in Scholastics' Classrooms Care reading challenge.  Our goal, as a class, is to read 100 books by the end of May.  Once we reach that goal, Scholastics will donate 100 books on our behalf to a school in need.  Happy reading!