Friday 5 April 2024


 We are looking to work with the St. Philip Women's Auxiliary in order for the grade 3 students to make rosaries.  It is important that each student is able to tie knots for this activity to be successful.  Please practice this skill with your child so that they can complete a rosary when the time comes.

Tuesday 20 February 2024


 Due to some warmer temperature, those students who have splash pants are encouraged to bring them to school along with their snowpants.  This will allow students to have options depending on the weather that day.  All students should have snowpants with them each day.

Wednesday 10 January 2024

Winter Clothing

 Please ensure that your child has snowpants with them every day.  Students spend 40 minutes outside during lunch recess often in the snow.  They need to remain warm and dry throughout the day.