At this time of year, teachers are planning special activities/field trips. In order to do so, we need to know how much money we have to spend. If you have not paid your child's activity fee, please do so as soon as your are able to. If you have any question or need help using School Cash Online, please contact the office. Thank-you.
Miss Radzikowska's Class Blog
Monday, 10 February 2025
Friday, 10 January 2025
In the slides that were sent to parents at the beginning of the school year, I mentioned that we would start a spelling program in January. As we are making steady progress with the UFLI reading program, I have decided not to include a spelling program on top of it. The UFLI program covers spelling patterns so, there is no need to add formal spelling lessons.
Friday, 29 November 2024
Please ensure that your child is dressed for the colder weather. Students are outside for 40 minutes during lunch.
Monday, 11 November 2024
Quick Math Quizzes
We are starting our quick math quizzes the week of November 11. This is to build fluence with adding and subtracting small amounts quickly. We will begin with adding 0 & 1. The following week we will have subtracting 0 & 1. Then we will continue with adding 2, then subtracting 2 and so on. You can practice these with your child orally; no need to write this out. The most that students will have to do is add an amount to 20 and subtract an amount from 20.
Thursday, 3 October 2024
Rainy Weather
With autumn here, please ensure that your child has a raincoat and appropriate footwear for the wet weather. Please do not send umbrellas to school. Thank-you.
Tuesday, 10 September 2024
Date Correction
Our Meet the Teacher Night has been changed to Wed., Sept. 18 from 17:00 - 18:30.
The Photo Day correction was an error. It is still Fri., Sept. 27. My apologies for the mixup.
Change in Dates
We've had a change of dates for a couple of our events.
Curriculum Night: Wed., Sept. 18 17:00-18:30
Photo Day: Fri., Oct 4